Visitor Settings

Configure visitor settings for your Access Key.

Regular Visitor

If you turn on this option, our tools will visit your site with a regular visitor behavior.

Random Device

If you turn on this option, our tools will visit your site with a random device (e.g. desktop, mobile, tablet).

Auto Switch Device

If you turn on this option, our tools will visit your site with a random device (e.g. desktop, mobile, tablet) and switch the device randomly.

Custom Referer

If you turn on this option, our tools will youse your own Referar List as source traffic. If not, it will use our default Referar List and switch the Referar randomly.

Referer List

Input your own Referar List if you turn on Custom Referer option. And input multiple Referar by entering each Referar with a new line. Referar should be full URL (e.g.

Custom User Agent

If you turn on this option, our tools will use your own User Agent List as visitor's User Agent. If not, it will use our default User Agent List and switch the User Agent randomly.

User Agent List

Input your own User Agent List if you turn on Custom User Agent option. And input multiple User Agent by entering each User Agent with a new line. User Agent should be full User Agent (e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36).

Realistic Fingerprint

If you turn on this option, our tools will visit your site with a Unique Fingerprint (e.g. browser, OS, device, etc.). And will ignore the User Agent option. Fingerprint will be generated randomly every time our tools visit your site.