General Settings

Configure general settings for your Access Key.

Key Name

Set a name for your Access Key. Name should be unique.

Running Mode

Select the mode you want to run the tools. GUI is only available for operating system with GUI.


You can input the number of how many times the tools will visit every process. For example, if you set 10 threads, the tools will visit 10 times every process. Larger number of threads will need higher resources. We suggest to see our Specifications Guide for more information.


Select our supported platforms:

  • WordPress
  • Blogger
  • Exblog

this will make the tools to fetch all your feeds from the platform. Or you can select Custom to input your own URL List.

Site URL

Input your base site URL if you select one of the supported platforms. (e.g.

URL List

Input your own URL List if you select Custom. You can input multiple URLs by entering each URL with a new line. URL should be full URL (e.g.

Our tools will visit randomly selected URLs from the list.